Video Tag
2nd sign
4th Sunday in Lent
15th Sundary Ordinary Time
acceptable offerings
a Child Has Been Born for Us
Advent 1C
Advent 2B
Advent 2C
Advent 3C
Advent 4A
Advent 4C
Advent A
Advent B
Advent C
All Saints B
all Years Lent
A Question of Taxes
Ascension A
Ascension B
Ascension C
Ash Wednesday
a Son is Given
Babylon's Pride
Baptism B
Belief/Unbelief/Washing the Disciples' Feet
Cain and Abel
Canada-India By-Heart Group
Chapter 14 of the Greek Version of Daniel
children in video
Christmas 1A
Christmas 2A
Christmas 2B
Christmas 2C
Christmas Day A
Christmas Day B
Christmas Day C
Christmas Eve A
Christmas Eve B
Christmas Eve C
Christmas Eve year C
Coming Destruction
completion of the Temple
David and Bathsheba
David and Goliath
Dry Bones
Easter 2A
Easter 2B
Easter 2C
Easter 3A
Easter 3A. Road to Emmaus
Easter 4C
Easter 5A
Easter 6A
Easter 6C
Easter A
Easter B
Easter C
Easter Day B
Easter Vigil A
Easter Vigil B
Easter Vigil C
Empty Tomb
Epiphany 2B (part 1)
Epiphany 4C
Epiphany 7B
Epiphany ABC
Feeding of 5000
Flight to Egypt
for your servant is listening
Garden of Eden
God's Faithfulness
God Answers Hannah's Prayer
God provides for Ishmael
Good Samaritan
Hannah's Prayer
Hannah's song
Herod and the Magi
Holy Spirit
Holy Thursday
Holy Week Monday A
Holy Week Monday B
Holy Week Monday C
Hope in time of Crisis
in the beginning
Jacob's Dream at Bethel
Jairus' Daughter
Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem
Jesus' Genealogy
Jesus appears to the disciples
Jesus calms a storm
Jesus Heals Royal Official's Son
Jesus Promises His Disciples
Jesus rejected from the synagogue in Nazareth
Jesus takes a nap
John's Prologue
Joseph's Dream
King Darius
Lament over Jerusalem
Lectionary Year C
Lent 1B
Lent 1C
Lent 2A
Lent 2B
Lent 2C
Lent 3A
Lent 3C
Lent 4A
Lent 4B
Lent 5A
Lent 5B
Lent 5C
Lent A
let justice roll down
Liturgy of the Palms
Liturgy of the Palms Year B
Living Water
Loaves and Fishes
Look to the past
Love and Obedience
Man Born Blind
Mary's Anointing
Maundy Thursday A
Maundy Thursday B
Maundy Thursday C
Nativity of the Lord - Proper 1
Ordinary Time C5
Palms A
Palm Sunday
Passion B Were You There?
Pentecost 3B
Pentecost 5B
Pentecost 15C
Pentecost A
Pentecost B
Pentecost C
Peter's Prison Break
Proper 4A
Proper 5 (10)B
Proper 5(10)C
Proper 5B
Proper 6 (11)A
Proper 6A
Proper 6B
Proper 7(12) B
Proper 7A
Proper 8(13)B
Proper 8A
Proper 10
Proper 10 (15)A
Proper 10 (15)B
Proper 11 (16)
Proper 11 (16)A
Proper 12 (17)A
Proper 12(17)B
Proper 12B
Proper 13 (18)A
Proper 13(18)B
Proper 16(21)C
Proper 16A
Proper 18(23)C
Proper 18(24)B
Proper 18B
Proper 19(24)B
Proper 23B
Proper 26(31) B
Proper 27 (32)B
Proper 27(32)B
Proper 28(33)B
Proper 29(34)B
Prophecy of Comfort
Psalm 51
Reign of Christ
Road to Emmaus
Samuel's Call
Season After Pentecost
sibling rivalry
Sower Parables
Speak Lord
Syro-Phoenician Woman
Tabitha and Dorcas
Temptation of Christ
Temptation of Eve
Temptations in the Wilderness
The Beatitudes
the Birth of our Lord
The Parable of the Dishonest Manager
The Parable of the Sower
The Righteous Rule of the Coming King
The three visitors
the Woman at the Well
Thomas from John
Transfiguration B
Trinity B
Triumphal Entry
Trust in God
VFG 2021 Epic
VFG Epic 2021
Voices of the Heart Maryland Guild
Walk to Emmaus
Weeds and Wheat
Widow of Zarepath
Woman at the Well
Year A - Season after Pentecost Proper 4 (9)
Year B - Epiphany - Proper 4
Year B-Lent
Year C