Video Tag

15th Sundary Ordinary Time Advent 1C Advent 2B Advent 2C Advent 3C Advent 4C Advent A Advent B Advent C All Saints B A Question of Taxes Ascension A Ascension B Ascension C Baptism B Canada-India By-Heart Group Christmas 2A Christmas 2B Christmas 2C Christmas Day A Christmas Day B Christmas Day C Christmas Eve A Christmas Eve B Christmas Eve C David and Bathsheba David and Goliath Dry Bones Easter 2A Easter 2B Easter 2C Easter 3A Easter 3A. Road to Emmaus Easter 4C Easter 5A Easter 6A Easter 6C Easter A Easter B Easter C Easter Day B Easter Vigil A Easter Vigil B Easter Vigil C Empty Tomb Epic Epiphany 2B (part 1) Epiphany 4C Epiphany 7B Feeding of 5000 Good Samaritan Hannah's Prayer Holy Thursday Holy Week Monday A Holy Week Monday B Holy Week Monday C in the beginning Jacob's Dream at Bethel Jairus' Daughter Jesus' Entry into Jerusalem Jesus' Genealogy Jesus appears to the disciples Jesus calms a storm Jesus rejected from the synagogue in Nazareth Jesus takes a nap John's Prologue Lament over Jerusalem Lent 1B Lent 1C Lent 2A Lent 2B Lent 2C Lent 3A Lent 3C Lent 4A Lent 4B Lent 5A Lent 5B Lent 5C Lent A Liturgy of the Palms Loaves and Fishes Man Born Blind Mary's Anointing Maundy Thursday A Maundy Thursday B Maundy Thursday C Ordinary Time C5 Palms A Palms B Paralytic Passion B Were You There? Pentecost 3B Pentecost 5B Pentecost 15C Pentecost A Pentecost B Pentecost C Proper Proper 4A Proper 5 (10)B Proper 5(10)C Proper 5B Proper 6 (11)A Proper 6A Proper 6B Proper 7(12) B Proper 7A Proper 8(13)B Proper 8A Proper 10 Proper 10 (15)A Proper 10 (15)B Proper 11 (16)A Proper 12 (17)A Proper 12(17)B Proper 12B Proper 13 (18)A Proper 13(18)B Proper 16(21)C Proper 16A Proper 18(23)C Proper 18(24)B Proper 18B Proper 19(24)B Proper 23B Proper 26(31) B Proper 27 (32)B Proper 27(32)B Proper 28(33)B Proper 29(34)B Reign of Christ Road to Emmaus Sower Parables Syro-Phoenician Woman Tabitha and Dorcas Temptation of Christ Temptations in the Wilderness The Parable of the Dishonest Manager The Parable of the Sower The three visitors Thomas from John Transfiguration B Trinity B Triumphal Entry VFG 2021 Epic VFG Epic 2021 Voices of the Heart Maryland Guild Weeds and Wheat Widow of Zarepath Woman at the Well Year C