Linnea Good ← Books TellerSee more videos on Linnea's site 21 videos found Luke 13:1-9 42 views Linnea Good,Luke Lent 3C Luke 13:31-35 41 views Linnea Good,Luke Lament over Jerusalem,Lent 2C Luke 24:13-35 58 views Linnea Good,Luke Easter 3A. Road to Emmaus Mark 12:38-44 48 views Linnea Good,Mark Proper 27 (32)B Mark 16:1-8 50 views Linnea Good,Mark Easter B Matthew 13:1-9 24 views Linnea Good,Matthew Proper 10 (15)A Matthew 13:24-30 60 views Linnea Good,Matthew Proper 11 (16)A,Weeds and Wheat Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 54 views Linnea Good,Matthew Proper 12 (17)A Matthew 14:13-21 50 views Linnea Good,Matthew Loaves and Fishes,Proper 13 (18)A Matthew 21:1-11 82 views Linnea Good,Matthew Lent A,Liturgy of the Palms,Triumphal Entry «123»Page 2 of 3